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Join the new generation of AI Professionals

In two years, the workforce will be divided into those who are proficient in AI, a new AI powered workforce of hyper-productive, innovative professionals – and those who get left behind.


  • Supercharge your personal productivity
  • Drive and develop new innovations
  • Kickstart your AI business strategy
Enquire Now

As Seen On

Get up to speed - Our 3 offerings

Free AI Preview Course

  • Free AI Preview Course Check out a comprehensive video of our course structure, delivery and content
  • Complete a free video lesson that focusses on understanding generative AI and how it works
  • Download a set of free templates, tools to help you explore how to improve your productivity
  • Get a free business case template supporting you to obtain approvals in your organisation
  • Find out more from past students and their experiences of completing the course
  • Get your exclusive 10% discount code


Try for free

AI Crash Course

  • Understand generative AI and how it works
  • Master AI prompting and productivity with the help of AI experts
  • Get fluent using AI tools within a 5 day sprint
  • Includes two video workshops, one live workshop and live tutorial
More Information

AI Academy

  • Lead your team and organisation into the age of AI
  • Unlimited AI access and business workshops – live and on demand
  • Library of AI resources to download and use right away
  • Members only discounts on Mini MBAs
More Information

    Please provide your details and immediately access the Free AI Crash Course Preview

    Short, intensive delivery formats built for the busy professional


    Short dynamic, live classes that include hands-on individual and group work

    2-3 hours


    Cohort-based courses that combine pre-recorded video, live sessions and group work.

    5-8 hours over 5 days


    1-2 month intensive programs that culminate with a hands on capstone experience.

    5 hours per week over 4-8 weeks

    Our Facilitators








    Machine & Partners


    Enquire now, get skilled up – and get onboard with the AI Revolution.

    Fill out our expression of interest form and we will be in touch with more information about your required course options, dates and times.

    What’s included in the course? down arrow
    The AI Crash course includes 2x 2 hour workshops, delivered live online, or available as short microlearning videos, together with coursework, downloadable tools, templates and a live virtual session with your facilitator.
    What will I need to participate? down arrow
    You’ll need your computer, and an internet connection, and you’ll be accessing live learning sessions through zoom. Access to AI tools like ChatGPT preferable.
    What are the learning outcomes? down arrow
    The AI Crash course will teach you the following: 1. 2. 3.
    What are the session times? down arrow
    Check our website dropdown for a list of current start dates for the course, these are updated monthly. Our first dates start in June and July 2024
    Can we do the course as a team? down arrow
    Certainly, we welcome teams either in public courses or if you have large enough group sizes we can run cohorts of your team. Contact us for a discussion on how to ensure you get the best experience for your team size and needs, and to access corporate discounted rates for large teams and rollouts.
    What are the payment options? down arrow
    All payments for enrolments via our website accept creditcard or bankcard. For team enrolments above 10 people, we can arrange an invoice if required on request.